How in the world has it been 5 years already?? From our bald little one-year-old who was all cheeks and chubb...
to our wildly imaginitive, strong-willed 5-year-old kindergartner.
She made it clear that I am the best mommy in the world because I let her come to work with me, and to ensure my reign, I decided it would be a special treat again on her birthday. What I forgot was that she was only with me for 4 hours on Bring Your Daughter To Work Day, not 8.
Auntie Kels was gracious enough to drive down from LA to meet us for lunch, Drew was so happy to see her. And then one of the girls at work brought in a birthday cake for us all to share in the conference room. Drew particularly enjoyed sitting at the head of the table, running a meeting and telling everyone what to do. I'm encouraged at her comfort at the head of the table. Thankfully, no one got locked out of their offices this time, that's something a 4-year-old would do.
After work, we took her last photo session at Kiddie Kandids for her 5-year-old pictures (or, more accurately, her last solo pictures at Kiddie Kandids). And then we met Grammy, Boppa and Daddy at Dave and Buster's for some gaming, presents and mediocre food.
The gifts she received that night describe her in a nutshell: an American girl with dresses and accessories, and a bow and arrow. Truthfully, I couldn't be happier that I have a little girl who is perfectly comfortable shooting a nerf weapon while wearing a princess dress.
Later in the week, another birthday present from mommy and daddy arrived. Her "real" digital camera. Since she is constantly taking and reviewing pictures on our iPhones and cameras, we thought her own camera would remedy that. Her birthday was almost 4 weeks ago and I think there's one picture on the memory card.
She decided this year she wanted to swim and have an ocean party. Easy enough! The hardest part was watching the contractors in Grammy and Boppa's backyard try and meet the party deadline we had set.
Grammy and I, not quite fitting on the lounge. What you can't see is I have a cheek and a half hanging off the armrest behind me. What do you mean I'm too big??
Drew and a Sienna, a friend who has been in her class for the past 2 years. And the only kid (not just girl) in their entire grade who is the same height. Yay tall girls!
Checking out her snorkeler girl cake made by mom. If it had turned out cute, I'd have a close-up here. Instead I'll describe what a beautiful cake it is: ocean-blue rippling frosting with colored goldfish swimming around a girl with long blonde hair in a snorkel mask with M&M eyes, a licorice snorkel and a frosting mask. Perfection!
This might be her favorite part every year. She really wanted a red velvet cake, but got all frosting and then skipped right over the cake part and had a banana-chocolate-chip cupcake and starfish sugar cookie instead.
One of my favorites from the party, Drew and Teagen, looking so big!
And Drew and Lauren, the 2 new big sisters. Drew is still having a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that Lauren is already a big sister and she isn't yet.
The next 2 are definitely going to get framed in Drew's there anything sweeter than seeing your kid playing with your best friends' kids?
Now we come to the drunk part of the party. The "adults" decided to play jump-and-catch games off the big rock. Jeremy was fairly sore the next day.
Chad going for a reach, Maya not impressed.
Jeremy really reaching here, nice form.
Uncle/Cousin Josh catching one ball while reach for an imaginary one with his left hand.
No pool party would be complete without the world-famous Gratton cannonball.
Drew trying to get in on the ball-catching, cannonballing fun.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl!