Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

"Baby Drew" and "Cadey-boy." 
Cade has since quit calling her Baby Drew, but I think he will always be Cadey-boy to her.

Drew and Cole, Carson, and Cade all got guitars. Drew let Cade borrow the Barbie guitar for a bit. They look like they know what they're doing, don't they?

Here Drew was trying to pray (by herself) at dinner.

Christmas morning Drew got a new toy kitchen and food to go in it from Santa. She's been baking desserts for us ever since.

As well as feeding her Bitty Baby, in princess clothes, of course.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Preschool Class Party

 We're not sure if Drew is giving her teacher a backrub or if she's going to be an over-the-shoulder reader.
 Papa, Grammy and Daddy all visited Drew during her party. It was the first time Drew saw Daddy for a few days since he stayed in Memphis a little longer. She was super excited!

Memphis 2010

For the first, time Drew and I went to CMOM (Children's Museum of Memphis). There was hardly anyone there and she played for 2 hours! I think we'll have to make it an annual trip! Here she is in an actual FedEx cockpit.

Doing a little Kroger grocery shopping. While her cart had ice cream, cake, waffles and syrup, she also packed it with fruit and vegetables -- could some of what Mommy and Daddy tell her be sticking?

Riding on a police motorcycle, a law enforcement future?

Drew and her cousin Grace (2) help Pa, Will and Jeremy get out the Christmas decorations and Grandma and Pa's house.

Drew was in heaven with all of the singing toys Grandma had!

As the older cousin, Drew bore the responsibility of putting the angel on the tree.

Will was certainly kept busy dancing, swinging and being tickled by both girls.

"Mom, why are you inside the house?" 25 degrees, that's why.

Sarah Guff, Maggie Guff, Drew and and Sam Cohen - the party crew!

Christmas stuff

Drew got a few new ornaments this year: Tiana from the Murdents, Belle from Grammy and a recordable ornament that now has her singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas. She couldn't wait to decorate!

And, she got a return letter from Santa Claus!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Program 2010

We're a little behind on posting with the program being Wednesday night and then hopping a flight to Memphis Thursday morning. You can't tell by the photos, but Drew decided she was going to give a solemn performance at church, very few smiles from our usually boisterous little girl. Videos to come.

She was definitely ready to boogie at the beginning of the night.

 Proof that she knew the choreography to at least one of the songs.

One quick, flash of a smile after some prodding from Mom.

Can anyone/everyone guess what song this is? I think it's the universal toddler Christmas song to sing at church programs.

She had quite an audience of friends/godparents...

Grammy and Boppa....

Mom and Dad...

and one proud Papa!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

'Tis the season

....for friend love. The girls were hilarious at the El Niguel Breakfast with Santa this year, they hugged and held hands and chatted and kissed. 

 "Ok Santa, here's the deal: I leave you cookies and you leave me the good stuff. Got it?"

Thanks to Boppa and Grammy for taking us to Breakfast with Santa for the third year. This year Drew could not wait to sit on Santa's lap. She ran over and gave him an extended hug, sat on his lap, smiled big and whispered what she wanted. She was super excited.

The girls are watching the Christmas puppet show. I'm guessing this is the part where SnowBird comes out. Meghan is afraid of birds and I think Drew is just sympathizing.

They were quite affectionate toward each other and just love to play together.

Not our Christmas card, but not a bad family photo.

I mentioned they were affectionate, right?