Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Is it November already?

We were going for a sweet, sentimental picture on my of the 8 takes that Drew decided to take into her own hands.
 A little tummy time. Drew felt the need to work on her tummy time too.
 Sawyer decided she would rather suck (hard) on her hands than work on neck strength. Look at that determination!
 And then she rolled.
 Drew wanted to get behind the camera.

 My chubby bunny giving a big, gummy, smile!
 A somewhat more demure smile. What a doll.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Halloween!

The Gratton girls wish you a Happy Halloween
I think we have more pictures of the girls with their grandmas than with their moms! Madie- just under 1 month old, Sawyer- just over 1 month old, Lexi- 3.5 months old.
 The Gratton Gryffindors...middle-aged Harry and Hermione and the younger versions of Hermione.
 Grammy and Boppa came along for Trick-or-Treating, Sawyer wasn't as thrilled!
 It was so dark where I took this picture that I didn't even know if she was in the frame!
 Hermione Granger and Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl
 The second-to-last house we hit...Drew did not like the scary houses.
Checking out her loot. We may not have hit as many houses as I did when I was younger, but we definitely got the good candy!
 The 2 babies, Sawyer and Lexi, enjoying the evening fall weather all bundled up!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween Party

This year we attended the first (hopefully annual) El Niguel Halloween Costume Party. This might be the only fully-costumed photo of Sawyer we match her big sister, she is a little Hogwarts student from Harry Potter :) Any USC fans who want to buy her costume, it is 0-3 months!

Meghan and Drew, striking poses!
 Even though Drew says yuck whenever she sees people kissing (even Jeremy and me), she kisses just about everyone she sees.
 Drew and Meghan love to hang out with Sidney (an adorable cupcake) and Charlotte (a super-cute cop).
 Sawyer slept through the whole party!
 Wendy and Danielle did an awesome job with the party - the kids had crafts, pumpkins and cookies to decorate, a costume parade, candy to collect and lots of games.

Sawyer is 1 month!

Thanks to my incredibly crafty friend Lindsey, I have these wonderful onesies to take pictures in each month. Sawyer was a happy participant in her first photoshoot and discovered a new friend in Grover!