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Friday, April 6, 2012

Catching Up

 -had a little lunch date with mom at the Spectrum and rode the ferris wheel.
-dinner at Chili's with mom and dad

-hockey game with mom

-Chuck E. Cheese with Boppa...jackpot!

-Regional Park with mom and dad

-climbing the wall American-Gladiator-style

-the reveal of the new baby...took a little while to sink in for Drew.

-working on the music video for Sidney and Whiplash

-taking 5 with Sidney and Charlotte at the beach

-getting hair done

-preparing for the princess scene

-one of the last scenes...makes me tear up just thinking about it

-Happy 33rd Birthday, Jeremy! We got to be cool and sit in the BET box for the Grizzlies vs. Clippers.

-Jeremy and his girls at the game...the bright side to the Grizzlies getting humiliated by Blake Griffin.

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