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Monday, April 23, 2012

More stories

Saturday night Drew and I watched Soul Surfer (true story of pro girl-surfer getting her arm bitten off by a shark), and to her credit, she sat through the whole thing, pretty absorbed. We talked about her helping the tsunami victims, we talked about having a bad day (I'm of course in tears through most of the movie) and I wanted to see how much had sunk in and what she had processed. I asked her what she thought Bethany had learned at the end of the movie. Drew thought about it and confidently answered "going in the water is not so bad after all." Not exactly one of the hundreds of morals preached through the movie, but I may have had my hopes set a little high for this 4-year-old.

Last night I made Rachel Ray's Crispy Lemony Chicken and as Drew sat up to the table she said "I don't like lemon chicken. It's Chinese food." (we always order her lemon chicken from Stix, she fights it, then she eats it). I told her it wasn't Chinese, that I made it and I'm sure she would like it. She takes a few bites, chews, swallows, says nothing. I asked her what she thought of the chicken and she takes another bite, chews it slowly, dramatically pauses to look down at her plate solemnly then says "BEST CHICKEN EVER, MOM!"

"What a drama queen."

Our favorite Megamind quote for Drew as of late.

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